Salesforce Enabler for Excel

This page displays all Salesforce Enabler for Excel versions from CNET
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All Salesforce Enabler for Excel versions from CNET sources and versions

Salesforce Enabler for Excel

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
  • Version: 1.8.6
  • File size: 1.88MB
  • Date Added: 2013-02-10
Download Salesforce Enabler for Excel Salesforce Enabler for Excel

Salesforce Enabler for Excel Description

Cloud or no cloud, Excel is where we still have most of our data, and getting it to and from Excel to the cloud database like Salesforce has always been a chalenge. With Salesforce Enabler for Microsoft Excel it becomes a breeze. Enabler Add-on for Microsoft Excel will let you pull data from the SFDC database right into an excel spreadsheet. You can then edit it and push the edited entries back to SFDC. You'll be able to easily insert new records, delete and update existing ones. The custom SOQL query tool will enable you to visually build a query or use a custom one to pull data any custom data you need. Additionally Enabler Add-on for Microsoft Excel is constantly expanding with new tools to make your database maintenance easier. If you have obsolete fields that have been removed from your layouts long ago, but you don't know how many of them are there -- use the Layout Analyzer tool. It will show you exactly which of the fields are used in the layouts and which are not. Wondering how much that new field you'd created a while ago is utilized? Use the Field Utilization tool that will give you the exact percentage, maybe it's time to get rid of that field after all. What's new in this version: Version 1.8.6: - UPSERT button introduced to support the SFDC 'upsert' operation. - Tokens and passwords (optional) are now associated with login names and automatically filled out when login name is selected. - Analyze Layouts dialog now supports pulling layouts directly from Salesforce. �.You can free download Salesforce Enabler for Excel from CNET now.
Source: CNET

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